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Git for Distributed Software Development (LFD109x)

In this course, you will learn what Git is and how to install it. You will see how to initialize a repository, make changes in it, make it available to others, and acquire and use the changes made by other individuals. The course will teach you how to find errors in your and others’ work, and how to go back to a working copy to quickly identify the change that produced the error. You will also become familiar with some essential Git procedures, such as cloning, branching, making commits, getting diffs, doing merges, and rebasing. The course will touch on complicated workflows so you understand how to approach them when problems arise.

This course will prepare you to use Git to create new repositories or clone existing ones, commit new changes, review revision histories, examine differences with older versions, work with different branches, merge repositories, and work with a distributed development team.

AWS Cloud Financial Management for Builders

This course is for individuals who seek an understanding of how to manage, optimize, and predict costs as you run workloads on AWS. You learn how to implement architectural best practices, explore cost optimization strategies, and design patterns to help you architect cost-efficient solutions on AWS.

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Explain the cost of core AWS services
  • Determine and predict costs associated with current and future cloud workloads
  • Use strategies and best practices to reduce AWS costs
  • Use AWS tools to manage, monitor, alert, and optimize your AWS spend
  • Apply strategies to monitor service costs and usage
  • Implement governance standards, including resource tagging, account structure, provisioning,
    permissions, and access

Artificial intelligence for everyone

Cílem kurzu je seznámit širokou veřejnost bez jakýchkoliv předchozích znalostí se základy umělé inteligence. Pro porozumění kurzu nejsou třeba žádné znalosti programování ani jiných technických disciplín. Nenásilnou formou si vysvětlíme, co znamenají pojmy jako umělá inteligence, strojové učení nebo hluboké učení. Projdeme nejdůležitější historické milníky umělé inteligence a zdůrazníme oblasti umělé inteligence, které jsou nejdůležitější. Dále si ukážeme, kde všude umělá inteligence ovlivňuje naše životy, jaké přináší výhody a jaká rizika. Na závěr se budeme krátce věnovat i filosofii a etice umělé inteligence. Po absolvování kurzu účastníci získají základní přehled a vhled do problematiky.