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SMAX300 – SMAX 2021.x Essentials for Service or Process Owners

This course covers how a Service or Process Owner will use the Service Management Automation X (SMAX) agent interface to sponsor, design, document, publicize, and continuously improve different processes by ensuring compliance with enterprise policies. SMAX is a new suite designed to simplify the way businesses manage their IT services and assets. It uses the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)-compliant IT processes with embedded machine learning and contextual analytics.
You are a service or process owner who wants to design catalog offerings for an online bookstore with defined targets, create knowledge materials for easy usage of this offering and handle any issue, provide ideas, derive proposals for a project, program, and application portfolio implementation. You are going to follow through creating, categorizing, prioritizing, managing, and collecting, through to tracking these comprehensive helpdesk solution processes that manage support and service requests, incidents, change requests, and problems.
This course is applicable for SMAX 2021.02, 2021.05, and 2021.11 versions. The slides and student guides are of the 2019.05 version but are still compatible with the 2021 lab, and the lab guide is for the 2021.11 version of SMAX.

SMAX210 – SMAX 2021.x Essentials for Support Engineers

This course covers how a support engineer uses the Service Management Automation X (SMAX) Agent interface to support the IT needs of a business. SMAX is a new suite designed to simplify the way businesses manage their IT services and assets. It uses the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)-compliant IT processes with embedded machine learning and contextual analytics.
This course is applicable for SMAX 2021.02, 2021.05, and 2021.11 versions. The slides and student
guides are of the 2019.05 version but are still compatible with the 2021 lab, and the lab guide is for the 2021.11 version of SMAX.

Fortify-DAST-WebInspect Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) with WebInspect with Exam

In this training you will learn how WebInspect automates DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing).
Security professionals and compliance auditors will practice how to efficiently scan Web applications, Web services, and REST API. Then, navigate the scan results to analyze the detected vulnerabilities to secure your applications. This course includes many practical hands-on exercises for the beginner and intermediate WebInspect user.

SMAX320 – SMAX 2021.x Essentials for Suite Administrators

This course covers how a suite administrator will use Service Management Automation X (SMAX) to perform administrative tasks related to Service Management automation in the Suite Administration application. SMAX is a new suite designed to simplify the way businesses manage their IT services and assets. It uses the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)-compliant IT processes with embedded machine learning and contextual analytics.
You are a suite administrator who wants to perform administration tasks for the Service Management Automation Suite. You want to set up SMAX from configuring an email server to creating or importing a customer, account, user, license, license pools, and tenant. You will add the created users to the account, license to the license pools, assign a license to the tenant, and deploy the tenant. You also configure suite-level settings in Configurations, including security, email, and integration, view the operation history and configure access control. From configuring, creating, importing, assigning, adding, managing, administering, and analyzing these suite administrative operations, you will learn how SMAX helps in these and future situations.
This course is applicable for SMAX 2021.02, 2021.05, and 2021.11 versions. The slides and student guides are of the 2019.05 version but are still compatible with the 2021 lab, and the lab guide is for the 2021.11 version of SMAX.

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Tento kurz učí vývojárov, ako vytvárať end-to-end riešenia v Microsoft Azure. Študenti sa naučia implementovať riešenia Azure Compute, vytvárať Azure Functions, implementovať a spravovať webové aplikácie, vyvíjať riešenia využívajúce úložisko Azure, implementovať overovanie a autorizáciu a zabezpečiť svoje riešenia pomocou KeyVault a Managed Identities. Študenti sa tiež naučia, ako sa pripojiť k službám Azure a službám tretích strán a využívať ich, a zahrnúť do svojich riešení modely založené na udalostiach a správach. Kurz tiež zahŕňa monitorovanie, odstraňovanie problémov a optimalizáciu riešení Azure.

Red Hat High Availability Clustering for SAP Solutions (RH445)

Learn how to deploy, protect, and scale SAP infrastructure with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions. This course teaches best practices for deploying SAP HANA and SAP S/4HANA in a high availability configuration. In addition, you will discover how to efficiently automate deployments with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and Red Hat supported Ansible roles specific to SAP.

SQL for beginners

SQL je nevyhnutný jazyk pre každého, kto pracuje s údajmi. V tomto kurze poskytujeme základy, ktoré vám pomôžu začať s vývojom všeobecných dopytov. Použijeme populárnu databázu PostgreSQL.

SQL je jednou z najžiadanejších zručností pre obchodných analytikov, dátových vedcov a každého, kto pracuje s dátami.

• Naučíte sa čítať a zapisovať zložité dotazy do databázy pomocou jednej z najžiadanejších zručností – PostgreSQL.
• Pomôže vám pochopiť a použiť SQL s MySQL, vrátane návrhu databázy a analýzy údajov.
• Príkazy SELECT a WHERE.
• Vytváranie agregátov pomocou GROUP BY a HAVING.
• Upravovať, mazať a vytvárať tabuľky v databáze.

SQL for intermediate users

SQL je nevyhnutný jazyk pre každého, kto pracuje s dátami. V tomto kurze ideme nad rámec základov a poskytujeme prehľad niektorých pokročilých funkcií, ako je použitie regulárnych výrazov na analýzu textových dát (porovnanie vzorov, analýza protokolov) a optimalizáciu otázok.


  • Prehľad MySQL
  • Použite pokročilé techniky s príkazom SELECT
  • Používajte poddotazy
  • Prehľad a používanie pokročilých funkcií
  • Pokročilé techniky jazyka SQL