Štruktúra kurzu
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Session 1: Additive Manufacturing Process
- Introduction to AM
- Polymer AM
- Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
- Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
- Other processes and trends
- Functional parts case studies
- Metal AM
- Powder Bed Fusion (PBF): laser and electron beam
- Directed Energy Deposition (DED)
- Other processes and trends
- Functional parts case studies
- Material Options and Selection
- Key Process Concepts
- Build sizes
- Part orientation
- Support management
- Post processing
- Considerations
- Dimensional accuracy and tolerances
- Surface roughness
- Physical properties
- Mesostructure
- Mechanical properties
Session 2: Introduction to Design for AM
- The Need for New Design Thinking with AM
- Four Levels of AM Design
- Prototypes and tooling
- Direct part replacement
- Part consolidation
- Design for AM optimized
- Introduction to Software Tools for AM
- Solid modeling (CAD)
- Topology optimization
- Lattice materials design
- Build preparation
- Process simulation
- Support Fundamentals
- Purpose of supports
- Process dependence
- Self-supporting design concepts
- The importance of orientation
- Build Preparation SW Demos
- Demo with Insight (FDM)
- Demo with Magics (Metal)
Session 3: Topology Optimization
- Motivation: The Case for Sustainable Design
- Case Studies with AM
- Introduction to Optimization Concepts
- Material Models
- Demo with ANSYS
- Problem setup
- Optimization
- Smoothing
- Validation
- Manufacturability
Session 4: Lattice Materials Design
- Biometric Underpinnings
- Classification of Cellular Materials
- Volume/space-filling
- Surface
- Functions and Performance Gains
- Structural
- Transport
- Case Studies with AM
- Modeling Approaches
- Demo with nTopology
- Manufacturability
Session 5: Implementing AM – A Practical Guide for Designers
- Part Selection for AM
- Purdue scorecard for part evaluation for AM
- Cost considerations
- Challenges and Open Questions
- Environment, health and safety
- Process, supplier, equipment selection
- Material properties and modeling
- Process variation: repeatability, reproducibility and tool-to-tool matching
- Design software choices
- Data handling & traceability
- Standards
- Successful AM Adoption Transition Strategies
- Polymer to metal
- Prototype to end-use part
- Outsourcing to in-house
- Resources