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Developing Applications For Linux (LFD401)

Learn how to develop applications for the Linux environment. In this instructor-led course, you’ll get hands-on experience with the necessary tools and methods for Linux application development and learn about the features and techniques that are unique to Linux.
In this course you will learn about the tools and methods for developing C programs and doing systems programming under Linux, debugging techniques, process management, Linux specific paid and system calls, and more.
This course will prepare you to develop applications for a Linux environment.

Large language models for text generation

Tento kurz je určený pre všetkých, ktorí sú fascinovaní schopnosťami veľkých jazykových modelov a generatívnej umelej inteligencie, a chcú preniknúť do tejto problematiky než len na úrovni bežného používateľa. Spoločne sa zoznámime s transformérmi, základným stavebným moderným jazykovým modelom, predstavíme si najznámejšie architektúry a ukážeme si, ako sa veľké jazykové modely dajú použiť na rôzne aplikácie. K praktickým cvičeniam nie je nutný žiadny platený účet tretích strán. Budeme používať open source modely, ktoré sú pri správnom spôsobe použitia rovnako dobré ako tie najväčšie komerčné modely.

Hyperledger Fabric for Developers (LFD272)

Hyperledger Fabric for Developers helps you build expertise and obtain practical skills in implementing business logic by writing chaincode – Fabric’s smart contracts – and creating enterprise blockchain-based applications.

In this course, you’ll learn how to implement and test a chaincode in Node.js for any use case, manage the chaincode life cycle, create Node.js client applications interacting with Hyperledger Fabric networks, control access to the information based on a user identity, set up and use private data collections and much more.

Open Source Software Development: Linux for Developers (LFD107x)

The course surveys how open source software works, including advantages of using it, methods of working in OSS communities, governance models, and licensing choices. It delves into Linux systems, including installation, desktop environments, text editors, important commands and utilities, command shells and scripts, filesystems, and compiling software.

This course prepares you with the knowledge and understanding to construct a coherent open source strategy for an organization. You will gain an understanding of the aspects related to open source software licensing, compliance, collaboration, inclusivity, and diversity. Upon completing this course, you should be able to work comfortably and productively in open source development communities and Linux environments.