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SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Office Analytics Learning Subscription

SAS Enterprise Guide supports SAS 9.4, 9.3, and 9.2 and is a Microsoft Windows client application that you install on your machine. Learn how to access the functionality of SAS from this easy-to-use menu- and wizard-driven tool for analyzing data and sharing results. Then use SAS Office Analytics, which includes SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, to work with data and share reports with your organization using your favorite Microsoft clients.

Standardization in a Competitive Environment

Standards aren’t considered competitive tools by definition. However, through well-managed participation, standards can become significant competitive enablers as the role of standardization becomes more substantial within a company.

This on-demand course begins by providing a high-level review of how the standards world functions, including the definition of a standard, key participants in the development of a standard, and the typical standards development process. The course introduces the who, what, why, and how of standardization and explores how standards can be better utilized within organizations. The presentation also examines standards in the global marketplace, looks at the role of competition, competitiveness, and differentiation, and identifies strategic priorities related to standardization and standards, specifically related to supply chain and international trade agreements.

After introducing principles of standardization and discovering how they operate within a fictional company, this course will present a strategic approach for the management and utilization of standards within an organization. Techniques to effectively approach a standardization exercise, or to better understand standardization activities within a company will be offered.


By participating in this On Demand Course, you will be able to:

  • Describe a standard and how it is developed
  • Explain the world of voluntary standards
  • Explain the concept ofcompetitiveness in the marketplace
  • Distinguish the difference between standardization and standards
  • Envision a potential role for standardization within your company

Basics of Internal Combustion Engines

In your profession, an educated understanding of internal combustion engines is required, not optional. This course covers the most relevant topics for maximum comprehension, from the chemistry of combustion to the kinematics of internal components of the modern internal combustion engine. You will gain a practical, thorough approach to the basics of the most common designs of internal combustion engines as they apply to the gaseous cycles, thermodynamics, and heat transfer to the major components. The course also includes the design theories that embody these concepts.


This 11-hour course is comprised of twelve modules that include the instructor’s insights and industry experience working with internal combustion engine design and application. The modules cover various topics including (but not limited to), two- and four-stroke cycles, principle operational differences of various fuels, timing and working relationships among internal components, limitations to current designs, and the evaluation of new designs..


By participating in this on-demand course, you’ll be able to:

  • Discuss in detail the basic functioning and component interaction in a modern internal combustion engine, specifically; two and four-stroke cycles as they relate to reciprocating and rotary engine designs
  • Describe the general thermodynamic concepts governing the operation of an internal combustion engine and its various cycles
  • Compare the principle operational differences of the various fuels used in internal combustion engines, their availability, and summarize the applicability of each
  • Discuss the function and operation of all major components and systems within a modern internal combustion engine
  • Identify the operational principles behind the timing and working relationships among all internal components, and articulate the importance of this inter-relationship
  • Recognize the limitations of the current designs and implementations of the modern internal combustion engine
  • Perform a basic assessment and evaluation of new, cutting-edge designs and new powertrain initiatives as they apply to the mobility industry

Six Sigma | Green & Black Belt Combo

Tento intenzívny kurz je zameraný na detailné zoznámenie sa so štatistickými metódami a experimentmi. Účastníci kurzu musia preukázať znalosť predchádzajúcich úrovní certifikácie. Absolventi Six Sigma Black Belt dokonale poznajú filozofiu, princípy a procesy projektového aj procesného riadenia. Čierny pás znamená, že ste pripravený na vedenie tímov, ich podporu a správne nastavenie metodiky, rolí a zodpovednosti. Vstupným predpokladom je znalosť základných techník Six Sigma a min. 5 spracovaných projektov podľa metodiky DMAIC.

Informácie ohľadom jednotlivých modulov, skúšok a ďalších termínov nájdete na webových stránkach kurzu Six Sigma

Six Sigma | Yellow & Green Belt Combo

Osvojte si pokročilé techniky zlepšovania procesov a začnite ihneď pracovať na optimalizačných projektoch. Jednodňový Yellow Belt vás naučí základy procesného riadenia. Nadväzujúci intenzívny 5 denný kurz vás potom naučí to najdôležitejšie, čo potrebujete poznať: Naučíme vás pracovať s najúčinnejšími nástrojmi a metodikou pre zlepšovanie procesov. Získate nové znalosti z oblasti štatistickej analýzy, riadenia a plánovania DMAIC, ale dokážete aj manažérsky riešiť problémy. Kurz nemá vstupné predpoklady.

Informácie ohľadom jednotlivých modulov, skúšok a ďalších termínov nájdete na webových stránkach kurzu.

Six Sigma | White & Yellow Belt Combo

White Belt a Yellow Belt sú základné na seba nadväzujúce kurzy metodiky Six Sigma. Nevyžadujú predchádzajúce skúsenosti. Ideálny spôsob pre vás, váš tím aj organizáciu, ako si osvojiť procesné riadenie Lean Six Sigma. Naučte sa základné techniky zlepšovania procesov a začnite ihneď pracovať na optimalizačných projektoch. Intenzívny kurz vás naučí to najdôležitejšie pre úspešný (re)štart.

Informácie ohľadom jednotlivých kurzov, skúšok a ďalších termínov nájdete na webových stránkach kurzu.

Comparing Values