Štruktúra kurzu
1 Course Introduction
- Introductions and course logistics
- Course objectives
2 Troubleshooting vRealize Automation Installation Issues
- vRealize Automation installation overview
- vRealize Automation installation best practices
- Troubleshooting installation failures
3 vRealize Automation General Troubleshooting
- Verifying the DNS configuration settings in vRealize Automation and vSphere
- Examining the main logs in the user interface
- Collecting a log bundle
- Using vracli commands
- Examining the pods in the vRealize Automation Kubernetes architecture
- Dumping a log from a vRealize Automation Kubernetes pod
- Stopping and restarting a vRealize Automation Kubernetes pod
4 vRealize Automation Cloud Templates and Deployment Troubleshooting
- Overview of provisioning and placement workflows
- Examining a deployment history
- Troubleshooting deployment issues
- Using deployment Dev mode
- Troubleshooting YAML code
- Troubleshooting problems with cloudConfig
5 vRealize Automation Identity Manager Architecture and Cluster Architecture
- Authentication workflow in vRealize Automation
- Connector high availability for the authentication
- Architecture of a VMware Identity Manager cluster
- Key VMware Identity Manager commands and log files
- Troubleshooting a VMware Identity Manager problem
- Key vRealize Automation components
- Architecture of the vRealize Automation cluster
- vRealize Automation node failover scenario
- vRealize Automation cluster shutdown and startup process
- Virtual machine provisioning workflow
6 Troubleshooting vRealize Orchestrator Workflows
- Overview of vRealize Orchestrator and vRealize Automation communications
- Using the vRealize Orchestrator debugger
- Using vRealize Orchestrator log output
- Troubleshooting vRealize Orchestrator binding errors
- Troubleshooting vRealize Orchestrator logic errors
- Troubleshooting vRealize Orchestrator payload errors
- Troubleshooting custom resource errors
- Troubleshooting resource action errors
7 Troubleshooting Action Based Extensibility (ABX) Actions
- Overview of ABX actions
- Troubleshooting ABX actions
8 vRealize Automation Integration with vRealize Tools
- Integrating vRealize Automation and vRealize Log Insight
- Integrating vRealize Automation and vRealize Operations Manager
- Using vRealize Operations Manager to monitor vRealize Automation
9 vRealize Automation Certificate Management
- Managing vRealize Automation certificates
- Creating certificate requests with vRealize Lifecycle Manager
- Using Microsoft Certificate Services to create vRealize Automation certificates
- Replacing vRealize Automation certificates