PowerFlex 4.0 Concepts (Free)

Kód kurzu: DELLPFLX

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This course introduces learners to PowerFlex 4.x. It defines the value PowerFlex provides over traditional SAN architectures. The course lists the standard configurations in which PowerFlex is offered and outlines the software architecture that makes up a cluster. Finally, the course walks learners through the management interfaces available.

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a soft skills kurzov

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presne na mieru

Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: TOD

Dĺžka kurzu: 1 hodina

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 0 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie TOD 1 hodina en 0 EUR Registrovať
G Garantovaný kurz

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Cieľová skupina

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This course is intended for IT professionals who will be working with PowerFlex 4.x. It is also suitable for anyone seeking to gain an understanding of how PowerFlex functions.

Štruktúra kurzu

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

The content of this course is designed to support the course objectives.

  • PowerFlex Overview
  • PowerFlex Offerings
  • Hardware Models
  • Software Architecture
  • Deployment Options
  • Management Interfaces

Predpokladané znalosti

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

To understand the content and successfully complete this course, a student
must have a suitable knowledgebase/skill set. The student must have an
understanding of:

  • Ethernet and TCP/IP networking
  • Basic Operating System management (Windows, Linux, ESXi)
  • Storage Area Networks concepts

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