Istio Certified Associate (ICA)

Kód kurzu: EXICA

The Istio Certified Associate (ICA) exam demonstrates a solid understanding of Istio principles, terminology, and best practices in order to set up Istio.

UPCOMING POLICY CHANGE: Please note that our Certification Period Policy is changing effective April 01, 2024, 00:00UTC. Certifications achieved on or after this date will expire 24 months from the date the program certification requirements, including passing the exam, are met. We encourage anyone interested and prepared to schedule and take your exam before the policy change. Please see additional details here.


  • Online
  • Certification Valid for 3 Years
  • Includes 12 Month Exam Eligibility
  • One Retake
  • Performance-based & Multiple Choice Exam
  • Duration of Exam 2 Hours

certifikovaní lektori

uznávané certifikácie

Široká ponuka technických
a soft skills kurzov

Skvelý zákaznicky

Prispôsobenie kurzov
presne na mieru

Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Skúška

Dĺžka kurzu: 2 hodiny

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 240 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie Skúška 2 hodiny en 240 EUR Registrovať
G Garantovaný kurz

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Napíšte nám o vypísanie alternatívneho termínu na mieru.


Cieľová skupina

The ICA is a pre-professional certification designed for engineers, CI/CD practitioners or anyone with special interests in Istio.

Predpokladané znalosti

There are no pre-requisites for this exam.

Potrebujete poradiť alebo upraviť kurz na mieru?

pruduktová podpora