Cieľová skupina
Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná
- Managers of teams of business intelligence, analytics, and big data professionals
- Current business and data analysts looking to add big data analytics to their skills
- Data and database professionals looking to exploit their analytic skills in a big data environment
- Recent college graduates and graduate students with academic experience in a related discipline looking to move into the world of Data Science and big data
- Individuals looking to take the EMC Proven Professional Data Scientist Associate (EMCDSA) certification
Skills Gained
- Deploy the Data Analytics Lifecycle to address big data analytics projects
- Reframe a business challenge as an analytics challenge
- Apply appropriate analytic techniques and tools to analyze big data, create statistical models, and identify insights that can lead to actionable results
- Select appropriate data visualizations to clearly communicate analytic insights to business sponsors and analytic audiences
- Use R and RStudio, MapReduce/Hadoop, in-database analytics, Windows, and MADlib functions
- Use advanced analytics create competitive advantage
- Data scientist role and skills vs. traditional business intelligence analyst