DAMA DMBoK Reference and Master Data Management Specialist

Kód kurzu: DAMARMDMS

This 1-day DAMA DMBOK Data Management Specialist course addresses all required disciplines required for the Reference and Master Data (RMD) specialist exam by the international standard, DAMA Body of Knowledge (DMBOK2) and is aimed at individuals interested in developing concrete professionalism in the field of Data Management with a specialization in Reference and Master Data.

This course provides a solid foundation of the different information disciplines across the complete Reference and Master Data spectrum.

The RMD specialist course explores the essential concepts and techniques for managing reference and master data within organizations. This includes understanding the distinctions between reference data and master data. You’ll delve into strategies for identifying, defining, and governing reference and master data elements to ensure consistency and integrity across systems and processes.

certifikovaní lektori

uznávané certifikácie

Široká ponuka technických
a soft skills kurzov

Skvelý zákaznicky

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Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Virtuálna

Dĺžka kurzu: 1 deň

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 850 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie Virtuálna 1 deň en 850 EUR Registrovať
G Garantovaný kurz

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Popis kurzu

  • Grasping the core concepts and importance of reference and master data within organizational data management strategies.
  • Learning the distinctions between reference data and master data.
  • Developing skills in identifying, defining, and categorizing reference and master data elements within organizational datasets.
  • Understanding the role of data governance in managing reference and master data, including defining roles, responsibilities, and processes.
  • Implementing processes and best practices to ensure data quality and consistency across reference and master data elements, systems, and processes.

Cieľová skupina

The course of Reference and Master Data Specialist is designed for Analytics Managers, IT Managers, Data Management Professionals, Data Engineers, Data Analysts and Scientists, Database Administrators, Database Modelers, Compliance Officers, and professionals interested in Master and Reference Data.

The following job roles also qualify:

  • Business Intelligence & Data Warehouse developers & architects
  • Data Modellers
  • Developers
  • Data & Enterprise Architects
  • Data Analysts
  • Solution Architects
  • Application Architects
  • Information Architects
  • Business Analysts
  • Database Administrators
  • Project / Programme Managers
  • IT Consultants
  • Data Governance Managers
  • Data Quality Managers
  • Information Quality Practitioners

Štruktúra kurzu

Course Content

  • Overview of reference and master data concepts, their significance in data management, and their impact on organizational processes.
  • Understanding the differences between reference data and master data.
  • Implementing processes and best practices to ensure data quality and consistency across reference and master data elements, systems, and processes.
  • Leveraging metadata management practices to facilitate understanding, discovery, and governance of reference and master data.
  • Techniques for integrating reference and master data across systems and processes to ensure data consistency and integrity.
  • Tips and strategies for successfully completing DAMA certification exams in reference and master data.

Agenda of the Course

The course includes training, practice, and downloadable materials for the facilitation of learners. The main sections of the training are:

  • Introduction
    Relations with other DAMA topics, drivers, goals, and principles.
  • Essential concepts
    Differences between reference and master data, reference data, master data, and data sharing architecture.
  • Activities
    Define drivers and requirements, assess data sources, define architectural approach, model data sets, define stewardship and maintenance processes, and establish data governance policies.
  • Tools & Techniques
    Master data management tools, Reference data management tools.
  • Implementation
    Monitor data movement, manage changes, data sharing agreements, and organization and cultural change.
  • Governance
    Process controls, documentation, and metrics.


There are several benefits of participating in the Reference and Master Data Specialist course. Some of them include:

  • Learners get a solid foundation on reference and master data.
  • Learners become certified reference and master data Specialists.
  • Learners learn to understand the principal concepts and terminology.

This course is designed to facilitate the learning and understanding of learners about metadata management and its related concepts.

Predpokladané znalosti

CDMP-DMF, DAMA DMBoK Data Management Fundamentals

Recommended prerequisites:

  • CDMP-DMF-DAMA DMBoK Data Management Fundamentals

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Attending this course will give the learners a solid preparation to sustain the following specialist certification exam:

  • DAMA Certified Reference and Master Data Management (CDMP)

This exam is not included in the course price and can be booked in addition to the course.

Additional Certification Requirements:

  • CDMP Practitioner: 70% pass in Data Management Fundamentals exam and 70% pass in 2 specialist exams and between 2 and 10 years of Industry Experience.
  • CDMP Master: 80% pass in Data Management Fundamentals exam and 80% pass in 2 specialist exams and more than 10 years of Industry Experience.

Naväzujúce kurzy

DAMA DMBoK Metadata Specialist en

Dodávateľ: Data & AI

Oblasť: Big Data

Cena od:

850 EUR bez DPH

DAMA DMBok Data Governance Specialist en

Dodávateľ: Data & AI

Oblasť: Big Data

Cena od:

850 EUR bez DPH

DAMA DMBoK Data Quality Specialist en

Dodávateľ: Data & AI

Oblasť: Big Data

Cena od:

850 EUR bez DPH