Container Adoption Boot Camp (DO700)

Kód kurzu: DO700

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The Container Adoption Boot Camp (DO700) immerses you in intensive, hands-on development of container-native applications deployed on Red Hat's implementation of Kubernetes, Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform. As part of enrollment, you will receive one year of Red Hat Learning Subscription Standard, which gives you unlimited access to all of our courses online, plus up to five certification exams and two retakes.

certifikovaní lektori

uznávané certifikácie

Široká ponuka technických
a soft skills kurzov

Skvelý zákaznicky

Prispôsobenie kurzov
presne na mieru

Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Prezenčná/Virtuálna

Dĺžka kurzu: 10 dní

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 6 700 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie Prezenčná/Virtuálna 10 dní en 6 700 EUR Registrovať
G Garantovaný kurz

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Popis kurzu

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The Container Adoption Boot Camp (DO700) immerses you in intensive, hands-on development of container-native applications deployed on Red Hat's implementation of Kubernetes, Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform. As part of enrollment, you will receive one year of Red Hat Learning Subscription Standard, which gives you unlimited access to all of our courses online, plus up to five certification exams and two retakes.

This collection of courses is based on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 3.9 and Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.5.

Cieľová skupina

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This collection of courses is designed for application developers and software architects interested in adopting container technology and container-native applications.

Štruktúra kurzu

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

  • Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift
  • Configuring a Red Hat OpenShift cluster
  • Describing advanced features of Red Hat OpenShift
  • Containerizing software applications
  • Developing microservices with MicroProfile
  • Developing microservices with Red Hat® OpenShift Application Runtimes

Predpokladané znalosti

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  • Be able to use a Linux terminal session and issue operating system commands
  • Become a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA), or demonstrate equivalent experience
  • Have experience with web application architectures and their corresponding technologies
  • Have a comfort level with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux command-line interface and bash scripting

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pruduktová podpora

Naväzujúce kurzy

Container Adoption Boot Camp for Developers (DO720) en

Dodávateľ: Red Hat

Oblasť: Kontajnerizácia

Cena od:

6 700 EUR bez DPH