Cloud Storage with Red Hat Ceph Storage with Exam (CL261)

Kód kurzu: CL261

Build, expand and maintain cloud-scale, clustered storage for your applications with Red Hat Ceph Storage

Cloud Storage with Red Hat Ceph Storage (CL260) is designed for storage administrators and cloud operators who deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage in a production data center environment or as a component of a Red Hat OpenStack Platform or OpenShift Container Platform infrastructure. Learn how to deploy, manage, and scale a Ceph storage cluster to provide hybrid storage resources, including Amazon S3 and OpenStack Swift-compatible object storage, Ceph-native and iSCSI-based block storage, and shared file storage. This course is based on Red Hat Ceph Storage 5.0.

Course summary

  • Deploy and manage a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster on commodity servers.
  • Perform common management operations using the web-based management interface.
  • Create, expand, and control access to storage pools provided by the Ceph cluster.
  • Access Red Hat Ceph Storage from clients using object, block, and file-based methods.
  • Analyze and tune Red Hat Ceph Storage performance.
  • Integrate Red Hat OpenStack Platform image, object, block, and file storage with a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • Integrate OpenShift Container Platform with a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
2 328 EUR

2 863 EUR s DPH

Najbližší termín od 31.03.2025

Výber termínov

certifikovaní lektori

uznávané certifikácie

Široká ponuka technických
a soft skills kurzov

Skvelý zákaznicky

Prispôsobenie kurzov
presne na mieru

Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: 31.03.2025

Miesto konania: Praha

Forma: Prezenčná

Dĺžka kurzu: 4 dni

Jazyk: cz/sk

Cena bez DPH: 2 328 EUR


Počiatočný dátum: 19.05.2025

Forma: Virtuálna

Dĺžka kurzu: 5 dní

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 2 328 EUR


Počiatočný dátum: 04.08.2025

Forma: Virtuálna

Dĺžka kurzu: 4 dni

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 2 328 EUR


Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Prezenčná/Virtuálna

Dĺžka kurzu: 5 dní

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 2 328 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
31.03.2025 Praha Prezenčná 4 dni cz/sk 2 328 EUR Registrovať
19.05.2025 Virtuálna 5 dní en 2 328 EUR Registrovať
04.08.2025 Virtuálna 4 dni en 2 328 EUR Registrovať
Na vyžiadanie Prezenčná/Virtuálna 5 dní en/cz 2 328 EUR Registrovať
G Garantovaný kurz

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Cieľová skupina

  • This course is intended for storage administrators and cloud operators who want to learn how to deploy and manage Red Hat Ceph Storage on servers in an enterprise data center or within a Red Hat OpenStack Platform or OpenShift Container Platform environment.
  • Developers writing applications that use cloud-based storage will learn the distinctions of various storage types and client access methods.

Predpokladané znalosti

Technology considerations

  • This course does not have any special technical requirements.
  • This course is not intended for BYOD.
  • Internet access is recommended.

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