Cloud Native Fuzzing Fundamentals (LFS251)

Kód kurzu: LFS251

Learn the fundamentals of fuzzing, with an emphasis on identifying reliability and security vulnerabilities by applying fuzzing to real-world software packages.

This course prepares you to write simple fuzzing harnesses for software and use open source tools available to optimize the fuzzing process. It also prepares you to find open source software bugs and helps projects adopt security automation in the development pipeline.

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a soft skills kurzov

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presne na mieru

Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Self-Paced

Dĺžka kurzu: 365 dní

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 285 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie Self-Paced 365 dní en 285 EUR Registrovať
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Popis kurzu

By completing this course, you will apply fuzzing fundamentals to software testing, create fuzzers in various languages, and utilize OSS-Fuzz for continuous open source software testing while assessing project fuzzing status.

This course includes

  • Online, Self Paced
  • 8 Hours of Course Material
  • Hands-on Labs & Assignments
  • 12 Months of Access to Online Course
  • Digital Badge
  • Discussion forums

Cieľová skupina

This course is designed for developers interested in securing and testing software and security engineers interested in security automation tools.

Štruktúra kurzu

  • Chapter 1. Course Introduction
  • Chapter 2. Introduction to Fuzzing
  • Chapter 3. Fuzzing in C and C++
  • Chapter 4. Fuzzing in Golang
  • Chapter 5. Fuzzing in Python
  • Chapter 6. OSS-Fuzz: Continuous Open Source Fuzzing

Predpokladané znalosti

In order to complete this course, learners should be able to:

  • Read and study source code.
    • The course will show C/C++, Golang, Python, and Java code.
  • Navigate a command line terminal.
  • Compile simple programs and run them.
  • Use containers and, in particular, Docker.

In order to complete this course, learners should have the following:

  • Linux distribution
    • Ubuntu 22.04 will be used for this course, but 20.04 should suffice as well.
  • Docker for the setup.
  • Modern hardware, at least dual-core, and 4GB of memory.

If using a cloud provider like GCP or AWS, you should be able to complete the lab exercises using the free tier or credits provided to you. However, you may incur charges if you exceed the credits initially allocated by the cloud provider, or if the cloud provider’s terms and conditions change.

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