Agile Business Analysis

Kód kurzu: ABA

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Agile Business Analysis focuses on a framework of tools, techniques, and tips that can be used to improve analysis on Agile projects. It provides participants with an understanding of the changing role of the business analyst, the tools and techniques best suited to Agile projects and the timing for performing key tasks and events during the project.

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a soft skills kurzov

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presne na mieru

Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Prezenčná/Virtuálna

Dĺžka kurzu: 3 dni

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 1 050 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie Prezenčná/Virtuálna 3 dni en/cz 1 050 EUR Registrovať
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Popis kurzu

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Agile Business Analysis focuses on a framework of tools, techniques, and tips that can be used to improve analysis on Agile projects. It provides participants with an understanding of the changing role of the business analyst, the tools and techniques best suited to Agile projects and the timing for performing key tasks and events during the project.

Cieľová skupina

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This course is designed for Business Analysts or analysts who are new to Agile or who are transitioning from a traditional waterfall requirements gathering approach to an Agile one.

Štruktúra kurzu

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Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize key principles of the Agile, Scrum, and Lean.
  • Describe the characteristics of business analysis during Agile projects.
  • Examine the roles and responsibilities in a Scrum framework.
  • Compare and contrast traditional requirements development to User Story development.
  • Build a backlog and plan for the Sprint.
  • Apply Agile business analysis techniques to increase customer value.
  • Review key actions and challenges during the Sprint.
  • Apply testing approaches to an Agile cycle.
  • Examine challenges and approaches to continuous improvement.

Predpokladané znalosti

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Principles of Business Analysis (PBA)

Potrebujete poradiť alebo upraviť kurz na mieru?

pruduktová podpora

Naväzujúce kurzy

Principles of Business Analysis cz/sk en/cz

Dodávateľ: EDU Trainings

Oblasť: Business Analysis

Cena od:

1 050 EUR bez DPH



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