Using DataFlux(R) Data Management Studio

Kód kurzu: DQFT29

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

This course introduces DataFlux Data Management Studio and includes topics for data profiling, data jobs to perform data management tasks (such as data quality and entity resolution), data monitoring, usage of DataFlux Expression Engine Language, macro variables, and process jobs.

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Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: E-learning

Dĺžka kurzu: 28 hodín

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 1 440 EUR


Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Na vyžiadanie

Dĺžka kurzu: 28 hodín

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 2 400 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie E-learning 28 hodín en 1 440 EUR Registrovať
Na vyžiadanie Na vyžiadanie 28 hodín en 2 400 EUR Registrovať
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Štruktúra kurzu

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Architecture and Methodology

  • Introduction to DataFlux Data Management offerings and architecture.
  • Methodology and course flow.

DataFlux Data Management Studio: Getting Started

  • Navigating the Data Management Studio Interface.
  • Verifying quality knowledge base and reference sources.
  • Working with data connections.
  • Creating a DataFlux repository.


  • Creating and exploring data profiles.
  • Profiling a subset of data.
  • Profiling data in text files.

ACT: Introduction to Data Jobs

  • Setting DataFlux Data Management Studio options.
  • Creating, documenting, and running a simple data job.

ACT: Quality

  • Performing a simple exploration of the QKB.
  • Investigating standardization using standardization definitions and standardization schemes.
  • Working with a Field Layout node.
  • Working with parsing and casing.
  • Investigating right fielding and identification analysis.

ACT: Entity Resolution

  • Creating match codes.
  • Clustering records.
  • Adding survivorship to the entity resolution job.
  • Adding field-level rules for the surviving record.


  • Defining business rules.
  • Data profiling with business rules and alerts.
  • Working with data jobs and business rules.
  • Creating and executing a task.

DataFlux Expression Engine Language

  • Introduction and overview of DataFlux Expression Engine Language (EEL).
  • Creating dynamic fields for a profile using EEL.

Expression Node in Data Jobs

  • Working with the Expression node.
  • Reviewing the IF/ELSE statement.
  • Reviewing return status.

Parameterization with Macros

  • Creating a macro file.
  • Using macros in a data profile.
  • Using macros in a data job.

Essentials of Process Jobs

  • Introduction to process jobs.
  • Examining source bindings in a simple process job.

Creating Advanced Process Jobs

  • Working with conditional processing.
  • Working with work tables and events.

Tips, Tricks, and Other Topics

  • Examining how data is processed in a data job.
  • Considering job optimization techniques.
  • Exploring tips for building and testing jobs.
  • Working with the Data Management Server.
  • Examining steps for promotion to production.

Predpokladané znalosti

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

There are no prerequisites for this course.

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