Summer Fast Track: SAS(R) Base Programming

Kód kurzu: SFTPRB

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This course is for users who want to learn how to write SAS programs and who need to learn data manipulation techniques using SAS DATA and procedure steps to access, transform, and summarize SAS data sets. It is the entry point to learning SAS programming and is a prerequisite to many other SAS courses. This fast track combines the courses SAS Programming 1: Essentials and SAS Programmierung 2: Datenmanagement

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Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Na vyžiadanie

Dĺžka kurzu: 35 hodín

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 3 000 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie Na vyžiadanie 35 hodín en 3 000 EUR Registrovať
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Cieľová skupina

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Programmers, business analysts, and anyone getting started writing SAS programs

Štruktúra kurzu

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  • Course logistics.
  • Overview of Foundation SAS.

Getting Started with SAS

  • Introduction to SAS programs.
  • Submitting a SAS program.

Working with SAS Syntax

  • Mastering fundamental concepts.
  • Diagnosing and correcting syntax errors.

Getting Familiar with SAS Data Sets

  • Examining descriptor and data portions.
  • Accessing SAS data libraries.
  • Accessing relational databases (self-study).

Reading SAS Data Sets

  • Introduction to reading data.
  • Using SAS data as input.
  • Subsetting observations and variables.
  • Adding permanent attributes.

Reading Microsoft Excel Worksheets

  • Using Excel data as input.
  • Doing more with Excel worksheets (self-study).

Reading Delimited Raw Data Files

  • Using standard delimited data as input.
  • Using nonstandard delimited data as input.

Validating and Cleaning Data

  • Introduction to validating and cleaning data.
  • Examining data errors when reading raw data files.
  • Validating data with the PRINT and FREQ procedures.
  • Validating data with the MEANS and UNIVARIATE procedures.
  • Cleaning invalid data.

Manipulating Data

  • Creating variables.
  • Creating variables conditionally.
  • Subsetting observations.

Combining SAS Data Sets

  • Introduction to combining data sets.
  • Appending a data set (self-study).
  • Concatenating data sets.
  • Merging data sets one to one.
  • Merging data sets one to many.
  • Merging data sets with nonmatches.

Enhancing Reports

  • Using global statements.
  • Adding labels and formats.
  • Creating user-defined formats.
  • Subsetting and grouping observations.
  • Directing output to external files.

Producing Summary Reports

  • Using the FREQ procedure.
  • Using the MEANS procedure.
  • Using the TABULATE procedure (self-study).

Introduction to Graphics Using SAS/GRAPH (Self-Study)

  • Creating bar and pie charts.
  • Creating plots.
  • Enhancing output.

Controlling Input and Output

  • Writing observations explicitly.
  • Writing to multiple SAS data sets.
  • Selecting variables and observations.

Summarizing Data

  • Creating an accumulating total variable.
  • Accumulating totals for a group of data.

Reading Raw Data Files

  • Reading raw data files with formatted input.
  • Controlling when a record loads.

Data Transformations

  • Manipulating character values.
  • Manipulating numeric values.
  • Converting variable type.

Debugging Techniques

  • Using the PUTLOG statement.

Processing Data Iteratively

  • DO-loop processing.
  • Conditional DO-loop processing.
  • SAS array processing.
  • Using SAS arrays.

Restructuring a Data Set

  • Rotating with the DATA step.

Combining SAS Data Sets

  • Using data manipulation techniques with match-merging.

Creating and Maintaining Permanent Formats

  • Creating permanent formats.

Other SAS Languages

  • Overview of other languages.
  • Using the SQL procedure.
  • Using SAS macro language.

Learning More

  • SAS resources.
  • Next steps.

Predpokladané znalosti

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

Before attending this course, you should have experience using computer software.

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