Štruktúra kurzu
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Module 1: Course
- Overview
- Identify the contents and objectives of the course
- Define the class schedule and class logistics
- Identify the related courses
- Discuss the lab environment details
Module 2: Introduction to OO
- Describe OO and its key benefits
- Explain the system and functional architecture of OO
- Discuss the key capabilities of OO
- Define content packs, projects, flows and operations
Module 3: Basic Flow Authoring with Workflow Designer
- Describe and use OO Workflow Designer
- Identify flow authoring components
- Create and debug a basic flow
Module 4: Running Flows in OO Central
- Explain the role of OO Central in deploying automated workflows
- Describe the OO Central UI
- Deploy projects and dependencies
- Run flows, monitor progress, and evaluate results
- Set flow permissions
- View the dashboard and reports
- Visualize a deployed workflow
- Explore system configuration
Module 5: Recording RPA Activities
- Describe RPA
- Use RPA Recorder
- Create an RPA Activity
- Debug an RPA Flow Activity
Module 6: Defining Inputs and Outputs
- Define inputs and outputs for steps and flow
- Describe step properties
- Define system properties
- Describe flow properties
- Use Python expressions
- Using Python functions
Module 7: Authoring Hybrid Flows
- Describe hybrid flows
- Create hybrid flows
- Debug hybrid flows remotely
- Describe AFL content packs
Module 8: More Flow Authoring Options
- Define results and transitions
- Define and use Subflows
- Implement branching and looping in flows
- Use worker groups and robot groups
- Describe Activity Designer
- Use CloudSlang libraries
Module 9: Content Generator for REST API
- Use Content Generator for REST API
Module 10: Creating Custom Python Operations
- Implement Python Operations
- Install a Python custom library
- Implement Python Custom library functionality
Module 11: Working with CloudSlang
- Describe CloudSlang
- Describe how CloudSlang is used in OO
- Import CloudSlang code developed outside of OO
- Contribute to CloudSlang using Git
Module 12: Using SCM
- Describe GIT Repository
- Use Git Repositories in Workflow Designer