NNMi120 – Network Node Manager Essentials

Kód kurzu: NNMI120

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This course is designed for those Network and/or System administrators tasked with the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the Network Node Manager i Software (NNMi) product. This course teaches the skills needed to successfully implement the product to manage small, medium, or large networked enterprises. The course includes training on the NNM i Smart Plug-In (NNM iSPI) Performance for Metrics Software, and NNMi Smart Plug-In Engineering Toolset.

certifikovaní lektori

uznávané certifikácie

Široká ponuka technických
a soft skills kurzov

Skvelý zákaznicky

Prispôsobenie kurzov
presne na mieru

Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: Prezenčná/Virtuálna

Dĺžka kurzu: 5 dní

Jazyk: en/cz

Cena bez DPH: 3 860 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie Prezenčná/Virtuálna 5 dní en/cz 3 860 EUR Registrovať
G Garantovaný kurz

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Popis kurzu

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

This course is designed for those Network and/or System administrators tasked with the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the Network Node Manager i Software (NNMi) product. This course teaches the skills needed to successfully implement the product to manage small, medium, or large networked enterprises. The course includes training on the NNM i Smart Plug-In (NNM iSPI) Performance for Metrics Software, and NNMi Smart Plug-In Engineering Toolset. This course is designed for administrators of the NNMi software 10.10 application.

Cieľová skupina

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This course is intended for network or system administrators and network engineers seeking a more in-depth knowledge of Network Node Manager i Software 10.10.

Štruktúra kurzu

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Configure network discovery
  • Manipulate NNMi tables and device object records
  • Design topology maps
  • Configure incidents
  • Generate performance graphs
  • Generate performance reports
  • Perform core administration tasks
  • Manage an ESXi virtual environment
  • Describe the features available in the iSPI for Engineering Toolset

Predpokladané znalosti

Táto časť nie je lokalizovaná

To be successful in this course, you should have the following prerequisites or knowledge.

  • Windows system administration
  • Network protocols
  • Network device administration

Potrebujete poradiť alebo upraviť kurz na mieru?

pruduktová podpora

Naväzujúce kurzy

NNMI200 – Network Node Manager Advanced en en/cz

Dodávateľ: Micro Focus

Oblasť: Network

Cena od:

2 412 EUR bez DPH