Fundamental Concepts of Turbocharging Modern Engines Current Practices and Trends Web Seminar RePlay

Kód kurzu: PD331858

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Turbocharging is an integral part of many internal combustion engine systems. While it has long been a key to diesel engine performance, turbocharging is increasingly seen as an enabler in meeting many of the efficiency and performance requirements of modern automotive gasoline engines.

This replay discusses the basic concepts of turbocharging and air flow management of four-stroke engines. It explores the fundamentals of turbocharging, system design features, performance measures, and matching and selection criteria. Topics include spark ignition and diesel engine systems, the impact of different applications. The course also covers the interaction between turbocharging and engine systems and the impact on performance, fuel economy, and emissions. Developments in turbocharging technology are also covered.


By participating in this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify the basics of how a turbocharger works, how to measure the appropriateness of a turbocharger, and how to select and match a turbocharger to the needs of your powertrain
  • Estimate the impact of turbocharging on performance and emissions
  • Recognize potential issues such as packaging, noise, driveability, reliability, and durability
  • List the latest developments in turbocharging technology and their attributes

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Termíny kurzov

Počiatočný dátum: Na vyžiadanie

Forma: TOD

Dĺžka kurzu: 90 dní

Jazyk: en

Cena bez DPH: 340 EUR


Forma Dĺžka
Jazyk Cena bez DPH
Na vyžiadanie TOD 90 dní en 340 EUR Registrovať
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Štruktúra kurzu

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Session 1
Introductory Concepts

  • Objective of turbocharging – air management to support combustion
  • System configurations and terminology for managing air flow
  • System impact (Power density, fuel economy, emissions)
  • Design constraints (weight, cost, transient response)

Turbocharger Operation and Performance

  • Turbocharger construction and terminology
  • Performance and efficiency measures
  • The compressor map and limits
  • Turbine performance map
  • A brief overview of design variables

Session 2
Turbocharger Matching and Technology Trends

  • Revisit power generation; air flow requirement
  • Matching process;: engine requirement, compressor selection and turbine selection
  • Design constraints and requirements

Advances and Trends in Turbocharger Technology

  • EGR systems
  • Multi-turbo systems
  • Miller cycle
  • E-Turbos
  • Turbocompounding
Materials Provided
  • 90 days of online single-user access (from date of purchase)
  • Four hours of instructor-delivered content
  • Course workbook (downloadable, .pdf’s)
  • Online learning assessment
  • Instructor follow up to your content questions
  • .4 CEUs*/Certificate of Achievement (upon completion of all course content and a score of 70% or higher on the learning assessment)

*SAE International is authorized by IACET to offer CEUs for this course.

Predpokladané znalosti

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This fundamental course will be beneficial to powertrain development engineers, component development engineers, engineering managers, product planners, service engineers, and those developing product strategies.

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